Being that this is Kochi, its a good time to mention that my interary is set day to day, looking up Japanese cities on wiki travel to see if they're famous for any food, then going to a "well-known" restaurant to eat said food. I'm learning my lessons, slowly, by missing food I want to eat cause I can't find a restaurant, or don't have a good map, or don't know when they're open. So I embark out of Kochi station armed with a map and knowing exactly where I want to go. I'll mention here that I tend to walk cause I'm cheap, even when I have to walk for half an hour, to save a buck, even though my ankle/back sucks, cause I gotta walk off the food somehow.
Anyways, I make my way down, looking for landmarks and streets that I can recognize, and can't find the frickin' place. So after about 40 minutes of walking, I stop and ask someone (in Japanese) where a certain street is. She looks at me and basically says... that's nowhere near here. I show her my map, and she tells me I walked the wrong way out of station, so I essentially walked the exact wrong direction. Turns out that the only visible door out of the station does not lead to Kochi, but in fact some other place. Lesson learned: don't assume that walking out the door is the direction of the map.
Anyhow, I walk allll the way back, and have to walk around the station to actually get to Kochi. By this time, I'm exhausted, so I just go find the first restaurant I can see and ask if they have what I'm looking for. They do, yay! So I eat. Katsuo no tataki is basically a type of sashimi (bonito) slightly seared on the outside before cutting it up. Solid, but walking all that way was aggravating to the point where I didn't enjoy it as much as I should've.
P.S. Turns out there's a massive fish on the outside of the restaurant that I didn't see when I walked in. So maybe this was the restaurant to go to after all. I'll never know.
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